tirsdag 3. februar 2015


Hi everyone, and thanks for visiting my blog!

This blog is dedicated to fans of the classic rhythm game: "Parappa the Rapper". I'll post exclusive downloads, news, pictures and much, much more! If you're a fan of this much beloved franchise, please check back on this blog regularly for a bunch of goodies!

Now, for a more personal introduction:

I've loved this franchise since I was ten and my love for it still runs as high today, if not more than before. The characters, the humor, and most imporantly, the music, is all appealing aspects of this strange, but addictive japanese music game. I was new to music releated games at the time, but didn't find Singstar, Dance Dance Revolution or any other game within this genre interesting enough to play, as the music didn't really appeal to me. Then suddenly, on an european Playstation 2 demo disc included with the official Playstation magazine, came what would stick with me forever: Parappa the Rapper 2.

I've never been interested in music, besides using the radio as background noise while I'm working, but Parappa made me realize just how enjoyable music can be. Whetever it's Parappa 1, 2 or Um Jammer Lammy, they're all masterpieces.

So without further ado, welcome to the blog and I hope you will enjoy your stay! I'll do everything I can to make sure this blog stays up for as long as possible! 

Contact: otaku2412@gmail.com

8 kommentarer:

  1. Do you know where I can download the anime with subs? There's like 4 episodes on youtube only.

    By the way, great blog dude!

    1. Sorry, but only a handfull of episodes were subbed. Episode 5 was subbed by FightingMagic, but never released. Episode 13 is also subbed and available on youtube. Thanks!

  2. Can you re-upload the Parappa the Rapper 2 guidebook? Pretty please? :)

  3. Thanks for all the things you shared on this blog :)

    Seriously, some things here are rare (one example: can you find a good quality of the MilkCan Make It Sweet cover? I think not, but you found it and posted here!)

    The only thing that it is missing is a high quality of the MilkCan Got To Move music video, but that is almost impossible to find due to Gamespot removing the video... :/

    1. No problem! I'm happy to serve your "Parappa" needs :)

      I haven't found the music video on any Parappa media, so it was probably exclusive to gamespot :s They used to have a High Quality video, but it seems like nobody downloaded it because of the size (50MB was a lot back in the days!!!)

    2. Ok, almost 1 year later, but I know the answer:

      Nana-On Sha never rendered the video in high quality... In 2015 Masaya Matsuura shared the Um Jammer Lammy announcement from 1999, the quality of the video was... ok (the video is really cool, check it out if you didn't!) and in the end they shown the MilkCan clip...

      And guess what? It is the same low quality that everyone already seen!

      I think Gamespot had the same announcement video too, so they cut the video and posted the clip in the website.

      Yeah, the MilkCan website has the high quality video screenshots on the website, I think that's because they rendered some shots in high quality (because... you know, 1999 PCs weren't that powerful) and then rendered the entire video in low quality.

      It is sad, but I think that's the truth. :(

      Someone could ask Nana-On Sha if they have the original animation files for Lightwave 3D (I think they used Lightwave 3D because almost every PSX game used Lightwave for modelling) but I think they don't have it...

      ...if they have it... that would be awesome! Because someone could render it in high quality (1080p!) and share it on YouTube.

    3. Also, while trying to find the original video, I found the original Parappa the Rapper Anime website, if you want to see it...




      Not a lot of things, but hey! It's Parappa!
